Well this has been long in coming and i must apologize to the beautiful
Naomi for being so late in posting. Here is the accessory bag and goodies that i sent to
Naomi. I went to her blog and saw that she loves purple and like me owl's so when i opened up my draw of fabric and saw this it was Naomi all over.

And i can not just send this so some goodies were added to the bag.

Then along in the mail came a wonderful parcel for me from Naomi just get a look at the wonderful accessory bag that she made me.

And have a look at the wonderful surprises that was inside i just love them all.

I have had the pattern for the needle case on my table so now i have one of my own. I am going to make one of them for my Beat Friend they are great and can hold pins, needles and scissors and look at the goodies in the needle case that Naomi put in. Also have a look at the note pad it is already in my handbag.

Well that is it for today i have been knitting today using that lovely lacy wool for scarfs. I hope to show you soon.
Have a great weekend.