Morning everybody and what a wonderful Sunday it is here in Far North Queensland. As promised i have some photo's of the building of our new outdoor area and my sewing room come school room, Office and boys space.
If any of you have built and lived on site you will understand when i say that i will not ever build again i am over it. But the results are just amazing. We sit now with a cuppa and say to each other how did we do without it for so long.

This is first day and what the front of the house looked like.

Going up!

After all brick work was done and roof on well in went the windows.

Then the flooring.

Then the painting started as I was not moving anything in until that was done. We ended up getting Blinds for the windows as the afternoon sun comes through these windows.

Filler done, time for the top coat and i just love my creams and it makes the room so light and clean and we put the normal white ceilings.

With the room painted i moved in it is a mess and i have alot to sort out but will be able to sew now and not have to pack up at the end of the day. And now i can start to put my stamp on my room.

Photo is not a good one. When I am sorted out will take more photo's. I am finding things that i have had packed away in plastic containers that i have forgotten that i had.

This is the other end of the extension and we are just living out here. I had 11 people last weekend out here mustering and we were able to all sit around the table to eat and have a good laugh at the end of the day.

As you can see we still have some painting to do but will have it all done for Christmas. With the lovely rain that we have been having up here you can see that the grass is starting to come through. I can not wait to be able to hang Christmas lights and share a meal on the day with my family around the big table.
Well hope that you have enjoyed seeing what I have been up to over the last 5 months and I hope to now be able to sit and sew to my hearts content while teaching year 9 school.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday